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Full Moon in Cancer -- Self-Love is Important

Writer's picture: madmyshamadmysha

Happy Full Moon! The first Full moon in 2022, in fact. In case you're new to the whole Full Moon thing, let me fill you in a bit. Full Moons are about releasing and forgiveness.

The full moon is happening today (3:48PM PST/6:48Pm EST) in the sign of Cancer, the sign associated with Home and family! This sign is also concerned with nurturing, food, comfort and security. That being said, the full moon generally means high emotions and revealing what may not have been dealt with.

As I mentioned earlier, Full Moons are an invitation to release and to forgive (especially ourselves).

In this lunar phase, The Moon is opposite the sun and fully illuminated. This means the moon is shedding light on the Earth, but also on all things, positive and negative, in our lives. The Sun is currently in the sign of Capricorn, a determined, hardworking sign. This means we could be feeling a pull between the securities/insecurities of Cancer and the cool-headed and determined Capricorn.

This Full Moon reminds us to let go of emotional attachments and that strength does not have to be a constant state of being. I was just sent this video by @akprzy this morning and it fits so perfectly.

Strength is necessary to carry us through life, however, if we spiritually bypass (ignore our feelings and pretend everything is ok) it can be our undoing.

Another factor during this Full Moon is that Mercury and Venus are both retrograde. So it's a perfect time to release anything related to misunderstandings, romantic affairs, and being too hard on ourselves and/or others.

Remember, You are the most important person in your life, and it's imperative to take care of yourself before you care truly offer the most love and support to others.

I wrote out a forgiveness list (that included myself) and burned it in order to release it to the cosmos to transform it into love and light as part of my Full Moon Ceremony this month.

It's important that we keep working on forgiveness and release as much as we focus on setting goals and intentions when manifesting. If you've been following me, you know I absolutely love using the moon as my guide in manifesting.

Remember what you focus on will expand. So always aim to concentrate on what you have (gratitude) instead of what you don’t have (lack). It will shift your entire perception of the world. Be grateful!!!

This is also a time to let the moon cleanse the energy of your oracle and tarot decks, crystals, and yourself! If you want to read more about that, check out my blog post here.

Full Moons are about Forgiveness and release, Opening up space for what you are calling in. Declare yourself worthy! I am so grateful for you!!

If you want to read the Well+Good blog post about how this moon will affect your sign (sun sign or rising sign, if you don't know it, reach out, I'd be happy to help you find out) check out their article here.

Love and Light,


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Jan 18, 2022

I just made my list of things to let go and forgive. I really needed to do that for this full moon. Thanks for your postings, I enjoy reading them.


Carol Fairbanks
Carol Fairbanks
Jan 18, 2022

Wonderful info! Thanks!

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