Cricut for Creatives
I love using different tools in my creative process and I found the Cricut was an ideal helper in bringing some of my visions to life, and allowing them to be reinvented in various ways.
This is a place where the left brain and right brain play well together! I know so many crafters who claim they aren't artists and so many artists who say the Cricut isn't something they can use to be unique and authentic. I'm here to show you that you are absolutely an artist, and absolutely can be unique and authentic, even when using electronic tools to help create art.
These workshops are currently only offered to members, but make sure you get on the mailing list for workshop information coming soon!

Playful & Creative
This course connects with fox energy which is cunning, creative and playful! It allows anyone from ages 1-111+ to create what I am calling "art papers" and then the Cricut will cut out the shapes and all you need to do is apply them to your background! I guide you through the whole workshop, start to finish.
Peaceful Views
This course connects with Mountain energy which is Stillness, consistency, and majesty ! It allows anyone from ages 1-111+ to create what I am calling "Playful papers" and then the Cricut will cut out the shapes and all you need to do is apply them! I guide you through the whole workshop, start to finish. This workshop can create a night or daytime scene depending on your choices!