It's the last day of the year! How did 2019 fly by that quickly?! It's crazy right? How fast the years go by? I will be enjoying my New Years Eve with a small group of loved ones, with sparkling cider and glow sticks:) We more than likely will not watch the ball drop, but we will surely talk about it... usually because we say, "Welp, The Ball has dropped, so it's kind of New Years, so we can probably go to bed..."
So of course I had to wonder, when was the first time a ball dropped in Times Square? Turns out it wasn't too long after people started celebrating there! People were celebrating as early as 1904, and the first ball (made of iron and wood with one hundred 25-watt lightbulbs) dropped from One Times Square in 1907 to ring in the 1908 new year!
There have been less than 10 balls total for the NYE ball drop! Which surprised me. I figured it was something like a parade float where each year someone new got to design it or something... but I'm really impressed the balls last as long as they do, especially for the size of the spectacle!
So this is all that remains of 2019. Are you making any resolutions for 2020? I have 20 goals for 2020, and I even created a Dream Board with some guidance from a friend for this upcoming year. I'm really looking forward to 2020!
