Eastern Oregon University's President Insko put out a fun Bob Ross-ian video asking for creative videos in honor of EOU... so, duh! Of course today is going to be about EOU. Now, if I'm being honest, I would have liked more school history directly from EOU.edu, so if anyone of you EOU-ers are reading this, I'll even do the updates to your site, let's get this information on your website!
Eastern Oregon University is currently one of seven state-funded, four-year universities of higher education in Oregon. Located in La Grande, Oregon, the school offers bachelor's and master's degrees, but it wasn't always a four-year university, nor was it always called Eastern Oregon University!
Eastern Oregon Normal School opened in 1929 as a two-year teacher's college and it's first graduating class had 88 graduates. In 1939, the Oregon Legislature changed the name to Eastern Oregon College of Education. The words "of Education" were dropped from the college's name in 1956. The 1973 Legislature changed EOC's name to Eastern Oregon State College. Finally, in 1997, Eastern Oregon State College became Eastern Oregon University.
Hopefully, you've had some creative time, feel free to jump on the EOU creative fun train and #EOUFun